Making the decision to have a baby can be an exciting time yet it is very much a personal journey. For some, conception seems to happen so naturally and quickly. Yet, for others, it can be a more complex process.
Stress in relation to conception
Conception is not always a straightforward journey that can cause stress. It is complex condition which affects almost all parts of the body in some way but there is evidence to suggest that it may affect conception levels. Cortisol (a hormone released in response to stress) can cause the release of an inhibiting hormone that reduces the production of follicle stimulating hormone and luteinising hormone. Both are integral to the release of the egg and the implantation of embryo after fertilisation and also can cause problem with ejaculation or quality of sperm.
Reflexology is an ancient healing technique that uses the feet to stimulate various points on the body to promote health and well-being. Reflexology has been used for thousands of years by many of the world's earliest cultures, from Egypt to China. Also can help you relax after a long day at work or school, relieve stress and anxiety; improve circulation throughout your body; increase your energy levels; and even reduce pain. During the conception period treatments give you the opportunity to take some time out for yourself and support your mental health too.
Once you fall pregnant – Congratulations
For the woman, pregnancy brings much physical and emotional change. To help them through this transition, many find value in seeking additional support from complementary therapies such as pregnancy reflexology or pregnancy massage.
Reflexology during pregnancy has the benefits of
· Encourages deep relaxation
· Reduces anxiety
· Reduces feelings of stress
· Improves quality of sleep
· Balance hormones
· Reduce discomfort of pelvic girdle
· Calm Mum before labour
· Invaluable support through the months of pregnancy
We are Family – when baby is here
This joyful time is the start of new and exciting era in your life but it can also bring new challenges. You may be questioning if you are doing everything right and along with falling hormone levels, this can leave you feeling low, tearful or anxious. These feelings can also be exacerbated by lack of sleep.
This is therefore another important time to consider the support of reflexology. Even bring your baby for a Mum & Baby time while the reflexologist works on your feet you can have quality time with your Baby.
I don’t tell you a big secret if I mention that reflexology is suitable for babies too. Totally safe as they are incredibly receptive to touch so they can gain benefits from the shortest of treatments ( 2-3 strokes on the reflex points).
What are the benefits of Baby Reflex?
*babies like routine so why not include Baby Reflex after bath or bedtime
*increase bonding between parent and baby
*Reduce stress levels
*aid brain development
*ease growing pain
*may reduce colic discomfort
Becoming a parent is a life-changing experience. Reflexology can be an easy and effective way to relax and reduce any feelings of stress. It can also help improve the quality of your and baby’s sleep which could be so beneficial in terms of helping you cope better with the many new things and routine a new baby brings to the family life.
Check out my Bundle of Joy Packages which was specially created for families and babies.